Are You Brave Enough for This Life-Changing Bet?

This Week's Focus: Taking Risks and Chasing What You Want

This week I would like to introduce you to my dear friend for over 20 years, Mr. Marcus Bright. Marcus and I always swapped career path stories as we sought to climb the corporate ladder. Marcus had always been what I would call the quiet backbone of his marketing team. He was often overlooked as others stepped into the spotlight. When a promotion became available, he told me that this was his chance to shine by taking on a risky project that everyone else had avoided.

Determined, Marcus worked tirelessly researching and strategizing, enduring long days and short nights. The day he presented his campaign to the executives, his nerves were shot, but his preparation shone through. The campaign was risky, but Marcus highlighted its potential to revolutionize their brand presence convincingly.

After several weeks of data analysis, the executive team approved the project, and Marcus led it to booming success, boosting the company's profile significantly. When the time came, his promotion to Director of Marketing Strategy was announced. Knowing how timid and off the radar Marcus was, this wasn't just a professional win but a personal one. Marcus had learned that taking risks involved stepping out of his comfort zone, proving that even small steps could lead to big changes.

His success inspired his family, friends, and colleagues, showing them that growth often comes from embracing the unknown, one brave step at a time. Marcus's journey from the background to the forefront is an example of the power of determination and quiet courage.

Do you know someone like Marcus? Better yet, are you like Marcus?

Taking Risks and Chasing What You Want

Dear Champion,

It's that time of the week again—your moment to refuel, reassess, and rejuvenate. This week, we're turning the intensity up a notch. Are you ready to leave no stone unturned in the pursuit of your dreams, goals, and aspirations? Are you with me? Let’s make this not just any week, but the week where we chase and capture what we truly want, fearlessly.

Taking risks is not just about making big leaps; it's about stepping out of your comfort zone, one small step at a time. Whether it's a new career path, a fitness goal, or personal development, the question remains—what are you willing to risk for success?

Challenge: The Risk-Taker's Diary

For the next seven days, I challenge you to jot down one risk daily that you've been hesitant to take. It can be as simple as speaking up in a meeting or as bold as starting your business plan. At the end of the week, review your diary. Choose one risk and commit to taking that first step.

Tips for Personal Growth

Start Small, Think Big: Begin with manageable risks that lead to significant changes. Want to shift careers? Attend a webinar in your desired field this week. Small actions build confidence and create momentum.

Educate Yourself: Knowledge reduces the fear that often accompanies risks. Read a book, find a mentor, or take a course. Understanding your interests deeply will make the path forward clearer and the steps less daunting.

Visualize Success: Spend a few minutes each day visualizing your success. What does it look like? How does it feel? Visualization is a powerful tool that aligns your emotions and energies with your goals.

Exercise: The Visualization Journey

Grab a journal and find a quiet spot. Spend 10 minutes visualizing where you want to be in a year—be vivid. Draw or write what this success looks like. How are you standing? Who is with you? What are you doing? Keep this image close by and look at it daily as a reminder of your path.

Question: What Would You Do If You Knew You Couldn't Fail?

Think about this question seriously. Let it marinate, then write down your answer. Your response might just highlight the dream you're most passionate about pursuing and the risk worth taking.

Actionable Steps for This Week

Monday: Identify your risk area. What have you been avoiding because of fear?

Tuesday: Gather information about the risk. What do you need to know or learn to reduce uncertainty?

Wednesday: Talk to someone who has taken a similar risk. Gather insights and advice.

Thursday: Prepare your tools/resources. What do you need to proceed? It could be as simple as setting up a meeting.

Friday: Take the first step. Act on the risk you've been considering and note your feelings and outcomes in your Risk-Taker's Diary.

Weekend: Reflect and plan your next moves. How did the experience change you? Are you ready to take the next step?

Please Click The Links Below For Your Resource Roundup: Tools for Transformation

  Journal: Fuel Your Soul 26 Quick Gems For Self-Motivation. "The ABCs of Self-Motivation" will be your constant companion. Take this journal with you wherever you go, jot down your thoughts, and discover the power of self-motivation at your fingertips.

App: Peanut: Whether you’re trying to conceive, exploring fertility treatments, adoption, surrogacy, or more, Peanut is here to share real stories from real women and expert advice whatever your journey to motherhood.

Podcast: The Mom Hour The Mom Hour creates a supportive community for parents everywhere. It's co-hosted by Meagan Francis and Sarah Powers, who have eight kids between them. They discuss every parenting-related topic you can think of: mom shaming, sleep deprivation, potty training, puberty, and so much more.

Book: Witty Words Of Wisdom For Moms: 14 Simple Tips To Help You Truly Live, Overcome Fear, Doubt, and Rejection: By Domonique Cooper: Witty Words of Wisdom for Moms is a compilation of inspiring and heartfelt stories from the thoughts of a former teen mom. The stories serve as jolts to get moms to move from their current circumstances to positions of mom power…

Online Course: Potty Training Bootcamp by The Mom Psychologist This 7-week online parenting course from clinical psychologist Dr. Jazmine provides practical, positive, and easy-to-follow tips and scripts for potty training young children.

We Want to Hear Your Stories!

Got a risk-taking story from this week?

Share it with us, and you might just see your story in our next newsletter to inspire others. Let’s celebrate taking those steps together!

Final Thoughts: Chase, Challenge, Conquer

Every risk you take builds you up, preparing you for the bigger challenges ahead. It's about getting better every day, embracing the journey, and supporting each other through it all. Let’s keep pushing, keep striving, and most importantly keep supporting each other.

You are champions, each in your unique way. Let’s show this week what we’re made of!

Here's to a week filled with meaningful moments and memorable experiences. To your growth and success.

ps. We would love to hear from you, don’t forget to hit that reply button!

Warmest regards,

Kashaun Cooper


This Week's Champion Highlight

Craig Chavis Jr.

Renaissance Man, Serial Entrepreneur, and Author

“The Power of Consistency”

Please 👉 Click Here to learn more